Well, it's been a while, hasn't it? If we want to make it count, it's been exactly 22 days since my last post was updated and there's been radio silence ever since. The good news is, I'm in perfectly good health, I'm at home (still) just doing what I do best - attending as many free online talks and programs as I can to consume my time, proofreading manuscripts for clients, binge-watching through shows on Netflix and getting back on Genshin Impact.
I think this is the first time that I've mentioned this in my blog, but yes, I do play Genshin Impact. I mean I used to play just a bit more when the game was first launched around last year and my main device was my phone, which turned out to be quite the hellish experience for a newbie gamer like me (I will explain later).
I remember going all out from the moment it was launched and I had the game installed on my phone. But after completing most of its quests, extensively explored the map, repetitively completed my daily commissions... I got a little impatient with their slow updates. Like many other players at the time, we wanted more. But at some point, I decided to leave the game and got myself obsessed with something else instead.
However, I think the game has changed for the better these days with new maps and regions to explore, tons of new characters to collect, new bosses and mobs to fight, and of course, more story quests and side-quests. I couldn't resist, especially after seeing my friends really enjoying the new content so far.
Okay, but what is Genshin Impact?
Genshin Impact is a free-to-play open-world RPG game that is available on mobile phones, PC and PS4. If you love bright, colourful and anime-inspired characters, then this game is recommended for you. Everything is so aesthetically beautiful, from the characters to the scenery around you in the game.
You can do tons of stuff in this game. There is an extensive main story for you to follow, quests, puzzles and games, boss fights, and even a housing system now with furnishing items you can make. Manoeuvring around the game is fairly fun too, you can run, glide, swim or simply teleport to the nearest waypoints to your location that exist across the map.
Genshin Impact is actually my first open-world game ever. I wasn't sure what to expect at first but I did not anticipate the number of hours I would spend on this game. The story is decent, the combat system is flashy and thrilling, and there are the occasional events that Mihoyo would host from time to time.
This scene really cracked me up. I've never felt so personally attacked as I did at this point XD |
Genshin Impact Characters & Elements
Credits: lostsoulaltair (tumblr)
When you first begin with Genshin, you'll be playing as either Lumine (female MC) or Aether (male MC, also the twin brother). And as your journey through the story quests, you'll meet some interesting characters along the way who will eventually join your party.
You can also pull other characters from summoning banners through "Wishes" which is Genshin's gacha system. This part is totally RNG and if you're lucky, you'll get your desired 5-star characters or weapons, or just... not (my luck is sewer level). Certain characters like Xiangling can be obtained through dungeon quests.
These characters have certain elemental qualities and skills that can help you in your quests such as Pyro (Fire), Geo (Earth), Dendro (Nature), Cyro (Ice), Electro (Lightning), Anemo (Wind) and Hydro (Water). Having characters with these elements can help you create "elemental reactions" that can have a powerful impact on the damage you make to mobs.
Co-op with Friends to Fight Bosses and Mobs
Once you've reached a certain level in the game, you can invite your friends to come over to "your world" to fight some bosses or just explore the map. There have been many times when the bosses were a little too difficult for my characters to fight or I'm still a noob at the mechanics (usually it's both XD), so having an extra hand to damage the boss is really helpful.
Plus, it's a really chill way to spend time with your friends while on vc!
My Current Party in Genshin
My setup was a little different when I was playing on mobile. Previously, I had Qiqi, Fischl, Xiangling and the main character, Lumine. I was still building the team before I temporarily quit the game. Now that I'm back on PC, I have a new set of characters to work on.
Switching from Mobile to PC Platform
I started off with Genshin by playing on my phone mostly because I didn't have a compatible laptop to meet the graphical demands of the game. The laptop that I was using to write my research report and work was barely alive and playing the game on it would actually make it combust in total disrepair.
And so, I resorted to playing Genshin on my then-new Realme 6 phone. Everything was running smoothly and the graphics were amazing. I could also co-op with my friends who were on PC. The only few problems that I had when playing on my phone were:
- Phone temperature went up
- The battery drained very quickly
- Sometimes there was a noticeable lag while I was in combat with mobs
- Playing on characters who fight with arrows was a nightmare, aiming your shot was so hard
- If your Internet data sucks, then RIP. You might be disconnected from the game entirely.
Since then, I have had a better laptop to play games on, Genshin included and so far, I'm really enjoying my time in the game. For now, I'm just collecting resources to level up or ascend my characters to make up for the lost time and also for me to collect primogems to summon on a suitable banner in the near future.