🤫Too Much Information Tag
3 January 2018
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Ohmygosh, she's going to say it! |
Hello everyone! Today, I thought it'd be a good idea if I dedicate one post on a rather popular topic — TMI or Too Much Information Tag. I'm inspired to make one by the lovely Atheera Dayana who also uploaded an interesting post last year.
I'm not sure what to expect to be honest although I've briefly scanned through the questions a while back. Having a rather faulty memory doesn't help either so I only have the adequate idea of what to answer. But I've heard that that's the best part about any tag at all.
Okay, let's get started!
- What are you currently wearing?
My favourite T-shirt that I got from the Hat Run 2017 marathon and comfy grey trousers.
- Have you ever been in love?
- Have you ever had a terrible breakup?
I've never been in an intimate relationship before so it's a definite solid 'no'.
- How old are you?
Young, fabulous, and sometimes a little clumsy. That's all you need to know, honey.
- How tall are you?
I'm a proud 1.59 m. Let a girl appreciate her height for once. I've never been this tall before. Haha!
- How much do you weigh?
I consider myself quite overweight (fat ratio wise I mean), around 52-53kg. Give or take.
- Do you have any piercings?
I used to wear earrings but they always get caught on my inner shawl (is that what we call them in English? lol). And no, it wasn't pretty when things went downhill from there. But I miss wearing them and having them blinking at me when I wore them.
- Do you have any tattoos?
When I was little, we thought it was cool to put those super temporary childish fake tattoos that you just have to stick to your skin. It fades over time but it hurts like hell if you scrub it off.
- What’s your favorite drink?
I always order for either of these — Iced Milo drink, mango juice, or apple juice.
- What’s your favorite song?
I don't have a particular favourite song but I'm currently in LOVE with all the songs in The Greatest Showman movie soundtrack.
- What’s your Zodiac sign?
I'm an Aquarius. heheh...
- How long does it take you to shower?
Honestly, I whizz in the shower. 10 minutes top or even less.
- What’s favorite show?
I'm not a TV person so I'm rarely glued in front of one, but I occasionally watch The Graham Norton Show or the Big Bang Theory. Who does not love them anyways?
- What’s your favorite band?
I don't really have a particular favourite.
- Something you really miss?
My friends from uni! We'll be heading to our internship places and might not see each other for a while. Noooooo....
- Where do you go when you’re sad?
Somewhere quiet and private where I can look through the problem at hand and sort myself out the best I can.
- How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
On a school day or days when I'm expected in the morning, I would be up and about 1 hour 30 minutes EXACTLY before I have to head out to wherever I'm needed. I time everything like I'm paranoid that way. Hah!
- Have you ever been in a physical fight?
I guess joining Taekwondo and Karate don't count, but as a kid in primary school, there were plenty of times where I willingly joined in. I was a tomboy if you haven't guessed that part so I hung out with the boys and we had play fights sometimes.
- Quality you look for in a partner?
Dependable, patient, and someone who can get along with my 2AM talks.
- What’s your favorite color?
- Loud music or soft?
I don't like loud music to be honest. It scares me that I might actually go deaf after having to wear specs for almost 2 decades. That technically means that I'm partially blind since I can't live without them. Haha!
- Favorite Quote?
Put yourself first. Always.
- Favorite actor?
Got a crush on Domhnall Gleeson!
- The reason you joined YouTube?
I was obsessed with Booktubers and reading for so long that I thought I could join in. My channel has been rather quiet for a while and I'm not sure what to upload in there for the time being.
- Do you have any fears? What they are?
I am absolutely TERRIFIED of being in the dark and standing at great heights. Mostly of the dark because I literally freeze whenever I'm caught in a room with low lights or total darkness.
- What’s the last thing that made you cry?
This is going to sound so funny but I actually cried over a story online that I was reading just 2 days ago. I cried like a baby from underneath the duvet.
- Meaning behind your YouTube Name?
It's called Bookworm14Cats and it's not like what you're thinking. I don't have 14 cats at home but I do love the idea.
- Last time you said you loved someone?
This week to my parentsss.
- Last book you read?
Hunger from my favourite author Michael Grant. I LOVE THESE BOOKS.
- The book you’re currently reading?
Moby Dick and Hunger.
- Last show you watched?
I honestly can't remember. HAHA!
- Last place you were?
My room for a good couple of hours while the technician fixed our air cond. I was dying of boredom in there.
- Last sport you played?
Karate trainings.
- Who’s the last person you talked to?
My sister in the kitchen as I peeled and poked my finger with dead shrimps.
- Last song you sang?
IDGAF by Dua Lipa. You soooo have to listen to this song.
- Favorite chat up line?
Gosh, I'm lame. I don't know.
- Do you have a crush?
Yep, on Domhnall Gleeson. Just without the beard.
- The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
Club committee. We're working on an ebook project.
- Favorite food?
I love (and without fail) mee curry, my mum's bubur lambuk and everything else that's magical she makes.
- Place you want to visit?
I want to visit an art gallery so bad because I've never been to one.
- What’s the last time you kissed someone?
None. lol.
- Last time you were insulted?
Can't remember exactly when but it was about my choice in speaking mostly in English.
- Favorite flavor of sweet?
I don't like sweets actually, but I love chocolate especially Mars bars. Yummm!
- What instruments do you play??
None, but I would love to learn how to play the piano and violin.
- Favorite piece of jewelry?
I think jewelry is pretty but I've almost never managed to keep one in one piece or wear one for long.
- Have you ever used it?
Yes, and it was a pretty ring that was one size too big but I wore it everywhere.
- Last time you hung out with anyone?
With three of my favourite people - Luke, Ainal, and Naem.
- What turns you on?
Cat pics on my instagram and Twitter. Safe to say that they conquer my life.
- What turns you off?
People who don't respect others and exaggerate situations on social media when it isn't even that big of a deal. People need to chill.
- Who should answer these questions next? Tag them……
Everyone who reads this post!
I'm waitinggggg. And thank you for reading my post. I really hope that you like it and if you have comments to add, don't hesitate!